The 4th Regular All-Russian Sociological Congress “Sociology and society: global challenges and regional development” (the 4th ARSC) will take place in Ufa in October 2012.
The Russian Society of Sociologists (RSS) is traditionally an initiator and one of the organizers of this event and will be supported by RFH (project № 12-03-14107).
The Organizing Committee will include leading Russian sociologists and representatives of professional associations who expressed their desire to participate in organizing and holding the 4th ARSC, the RSS Executive Committee members and the RSS regional branches presidents, while the Program Committee will include the RSS Research Committees presidents, presenters of declared thematic sessions and round tables. Taking into account the place of the 4th ARSC holding, the representatives of the Republic Bashkortostan will be included into the board at the suggestion of the receiving party.
The following calendar events are planned:
1. Preparation of the list of main Congress events, project of placement of Russian and foreign participants, cultural program plan, budget of expenditure etc. for confirmation at the RSS Presidium.
Final date: 25th of October 2011
Organized by the 4th ARSC Organizing Committee and the RSS Secretariat
2. Preparation of the list of issues under discussion and suggestions for content and personal composition of the Congress plenary sessions, agendas of sections, sessions and round tables, final document. Please send your proposals for the organization of thematic meetings and round tables indicating coordinators, scientific secretaries and time necessary for their holding.
Final date: 15th of December 2011
Organized by the 4th ARSC Program Committee and the RSS Executive Committee
3. Holding the discussions, conferences and round tables at the subject area proposed by the Program Committee, discussion of the Congress subject matter with the press.
Final date: 15th of March 2011
Organized by the RSS Regional Branches and the RSS Executive Committee
4. On-line registration of Congress participants in March – June 2012 at the RSS web-site.
Final date: 15th of July 2012
Organized by the RSS Secretariat
5. Holding the joint meeting of the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee of the 4th All-Russian Sociological Congress with discussion of program project and scientific-organizational issues.
Final date: 25th of October 2011
Organized by the RSS Secretariat
6. Discussion with foreign scientists of the possibility of their participation in the 4th ARSC and preparation of the foreign guests lists.
Final date: January - March 2012
Organized by the 4th ARSC Organizing Committee
We also offer you to read the letter to President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Yu.S. Osipov (look here).
The information on 4th ARSC at ESA Bulletin here
You can learn further details of the preparation and holding the 4th ARSC at this page.
Please watch for updates.