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Letter to President of the RAS, academician Yu.S. Osipov    

On the 1st of June 2011 the meeting of the RSS Presidium was held. As a result of a conducted discussion the President of Russian Society of Sociologists V.A. Mansurov has been charged to write a letter to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician Yu.S. Osipov.

The text of the letter addressed to academician Yu.S. Osipov is presented below.

To the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
academician Yu.S. Osipov

 Highly respected Yuri Sergeevich!

On the 21st of April 2011 the RAS Presidium accepted the Order “About the III All-Russian Sociological Congress holding” № 14000-321 dated April 21st, 2011.

After its reading it becomes evident that those people who prepared it did not fully inform you about the real situation and the formed long-term practice of preparing and holding regular All-Russian Sociological Congresses.

1. It is accepted in global sociological community that only national non-governmental organizations of sociologists, which are accepted by the International Sociological Association, can initiate and organize regular national congresses, in collaboration with other national organizations of sociologists, with the support of academic and university institutions of the country. As you know such practice exists in other scientific communities and associations. The Russian Society of Sociologists (RSS) – the sole official representative of the International Sociological Association (ISA) responsible for holding regular All-Russian Sociological Congresses at the territory of the Russian Federation, and exactly its periodization (once in 4 years) and numbering worked for many years until the publication of above-mentioned Order.

2. Fulfilling this responsibility the RSS has already held the appropriate preparatory work. As a result there was an agreement achieved with the government bodies of the Republic Bashkortostan about the holding a Congress in Ufa. The Decree about holding the regular 4th All-Russian Sociological Conference (the 4th ARSC) in October 2012 in Ufa was accepted and published at the RSS web-site on the 3rd of November 2010. The RSS has began the forming of the Organizing and Program Committees of the 4th ARSC and invited all the willing to take part in its organization and holding, conducted a competition in formulating the topic and the name of the ARSC. There was an offer of the Republic Bashkortostan government accepted to call the 4th ARSC “Sociology and society: global challenges and regional development".

3. The RSS has held five regular All-Russian Conferences and three regular All-Russian Sociological Congresses. We have never addressed our requests for financing to the RAS, because we believe that, as a State Academy, it should not use budgetary funds for events organized by non-governmental professional communities. So did our colleagues from other scientific communities.

4. Taking into account all the above we consider that it would be reasonable to recall an Order of the RAS Presidium “About the III All-Russian Sociological Congress holding” № 14000-321 dated April 21st, 2011. The RSS express its gratitude to you for exclusive attention to the development of sociology and note the fact that during the last 10 years there were two resolutions of the RAS Presidium accepted devoted to sociological all-Russian congresses: the RAS Presidium Resolution in 2008 and above-mentioned Order of the RAS Presidium.

President of non-governmental organization RSS, vice-president of non-governmental organization Unite of Scientific Societies of Russia, member of Councils of national associations of International and European sociological associations, PhD on Philosophy, Professor                               V.A.Mansurov

President of the Community of Professional Sociologists, the first federal vice-president of the RSS, member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association, PhD on Sociology, Professor              N.E. Pokrovsky

Member of the Executive Committee of the European Sociological Association, PhD on Sociology             E.N.Danilova

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