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European Sociological Association    

Dear representatives of National Associations,
Thank you for your participation and for sharing the statements on the war in Ukraine, after the armed invasion led by the Russian regime. As we stated before, the ESA stands in solidarity with those affected by this terrible war and all who support freedom.

Taking into account point 6 of article 6 of the ESA Statutes, it’s the duty of the Executive Committee to «discuss and implement the policies of the Association and manage the Association’s affairs». We decided to bring the request by the Lithuanian, Polish, Latvian and Estonian National Associations to the ESA Executive Committee at the next meeting to be held on Monday, April, 11th because this is a matter of high importance. The signatories invited the ESA President and the chair of the ESA National Associations Council to coordinate the ESA’s reaction to the ROS letter and stance.

According to the ESA statutes, the General Assembly agenda must be announced 6 weeks in advance. The agenda for the extraordinary General Assembly to be held tomorrow was set, published and announced on January 12th. At this short notice, we are unable to add an extra point to the discussion. However, this subject can be formally addressed during the time of discussion with the members, after following the points of the agenda already advertised to all the members.

We would like to invite the members of the Council of National Associations to an extraordinary meeting to be held on Tuesday, April, 12th, from 10h30 to 12h CET, where we will share and discuss the results of the Executive Committee meeting on this request.

The link for the meeting is below.
Meeting ID: 897 7382 6024
Passcode: 505323

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Maria Carmela Agodi, Chair of the ESA Council
Teresa Sorde, Chair of the ESA International Relations Committee
Kaja Gadowska, Chair of the Policy Committee
Lígia Ferro, President of the ESA


A letter from Russian Society of Sociologists for the ESA NA meeting


The Russian Society of Sociologists (ROS) is expressing strong hope and confidence in the peaceful settlement of the conflict situation in the Ukraine. ROS is assisting in every possible way in this matter.

ROS is not a political organization and European Sociological Association is neither. Both are professional associations representing scientific communities of thousands sociologists. ROS was one of the founders of the European Sociological Association, and is currently its member as well as a member of International Sociological Association in good standing and has numerous membership. Sociologists are those who can contribute in preventing further escalation of conflict and help to maintain international dialogue by using analysis and professional work instead of being under a danger of a trap of media creating parallel realities.

ROS is addressing its emphasis on thinking in terms of not only the current tragic situation, but also the prospect of its normalization, the restoration of peace and relations of cooperation.

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