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31 января 2025 г. ИК РОС Экосоциология проводит заседание в Центральном Доме ученых. Приглашаются все интересующиеся этой проблемой
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31 января 2025 г. ИК РОС Экосоциология проводит заседание в Центральном Доме ученых. Приглашаются все интересующиеся этой проблемой
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A Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian Sociological Society and the Russian Society of Sociologists The above associations, being the representative bodies for Sociology in their respective countries, agree to seek ways and means to increase co-operation and discussion between their organizations and between sociologists in Russia and India. In this we are motivated by the following: 1) The recognition that, as part of humanity, we have a common interest in sustaining and improving life on our planet. To this end, we welcome opportunities to develop associational and personal relationships across national borders. 2) Agreement that, to better understand the world in which we live, we should encourage research and debate between scientists in different countries. To this end we assert our support for the International Sociological Association. To advance the aforementioned co-operation and discussion, we agree that: 1) The secretaries of the two associations will inform each other of the contact details, including web-site addresses, for their respective societies. 2) On the web sites of the two societies, there will be a link to the web site of the other organization. 3) The members of one association are welcome to attend, and will have papers considered for presentation at, the conferences of the other. The rate for attendance at conferences will be no greater than the rates for local participants. 4) The secretaries of the two societies will inform each other about the location, dates and themes of their own organization’s conferences in good time. They will also assist in providing each other with information about conferences, seminars and workshops that might be relevant to the interests of sociologists in the other country. 5) Members of both associations are encouraged to become members of the other organization without right to be elected to offices in the constituent organisation. 6) Members of both societies are encouraged to subscribe to, and read, the journal of the other organization. 7) Leaders of both associations will endeavour to facilitate the linking of sociologists, including sociology students, in the furtherance of research collaboration and other scholarly exchanges. 8) Leaders of both societies will endeavour to inform each other about changes in conditions for pursuing sociological enquiry in their respective country. This will include information about support for, or opposition to, sociology by the respective governments or other agencies. 9) The Presidents of both associations, and their representatives, will endeavour to attend the main conferences of each other’s organization. 10) Both societies will, from time to time, give further consideration to means of strengthening ties between their organizations and between sociologists in the two countries. 11) Any change in this MOU will be made only through bilateral agreement between the two organisations. |
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