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31 января 2025 г. ИК РОС Экосоциология проводит заседание в Центральном Доме ученых. Приглашаются все интересующиеся этой проблемой
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31 января 2025 г. ИК РОС Экосоциология проводит заседание в Центральном Доме ученых. Приглашаются все интересующиеся этой проблемой
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Session 1. Epistemological issues of sociological knowledge Session 2. Development and realization of human potential in the regions of Russia Session 3. Session of the CPS «Deurbanization migration in Russia and the development of human capital in small territories» Session 4. Social inequality and social justice Session 5. Student Sociology: Topics, Problems, Results Session 6. Education and the labor market: social behavior of youth Session 7. Social security in the digital age Session 8. Subjective well-being in Russia and its regions Session 9. Social foundations of the «conservative turn» in Europe and Russia (based on cross-country surveys) Session 10. We remember, we are proud: the youth of Russia about the Great Patriotic War and the patriotic education of youth Session 11. Governance and self-government in cities and regions of Russia: problems, reforms, social technologies Session 12. Comparative Cross-Country Studies - Methodological Features Section 1. Power, elites, society: dynamics of change Section 2. Social communication as a reflection and catalyst of modern social processes Section 3. Deviance and social control in postmodern society Section 4. Gender Foresight-2020: Social Resources, Dynamics and Change of Gender Order Section 5. Socio-cultural landscape of the modern Russian village: variety of forms and displays Section 6. Ecosphere: traditions and innovations as the basis for a new quality of life in the regions. Socio-ecological practices: traditions and innovations in modern society Section 7. Vitality of language: sociolinguistic aspect Section 8. Formation of Russian sociology of management and organizations: main problems of theory and practice Section 9. Social Institute of Medicine and Health of Russians in the Context of Global Digitalization of Society Section 10. Social movements, collective action: new solidarities in modern society Section 11. Sociology of Science and Technology. Society-technology-innovation: is mutual understanding possible? Section 12. Older generation: education as a resource for the preservation and development of the social community of people of the «third age» Section 13. Sociology of Politics Section 14. Development of conflict management as a humanitarian discipline Section 15. Sociology of digital society Section 16. Internet and social transformations Section 17. Sociology of culture: yesterday, today, tomorrow Section 18. Interethnic relations in a socio-cultural context. Ethnic factor in international relations of the XXI century Section 19. XVI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on the Interregional Program «Problems of Socio-Cultural Evolution of Russia and Its Regions» on the topic «New Trends in Socio-Cultural Evolution in the Regions of Russia» Section 20. Traditional vs innovative mechanisms for the formation of professional activity. Professional dynasties as a social mechanism for the reproduction of professional groups Section 21. The state of labor relations in Russia and their impact on the development of the domestic economy Section 22. Sociology of additional and continuing education Section 23. Risk: Problems of Adaptation to Innovations in a Transforming Society Section 24. Modern sociology of physical culture and sports (on-line mode) Section 25. Child in modern society: a combination of traditions and innovations of growing up Section 26. Sociology of everyday life Section 27. The process of transformation of the institutions of family, marriage, parenthood in Russia Section 28. Self-regulation in the space of youth life: methodology and social practice Section 29. Sociology and urban planning Section 30. Problems of social management in the information society Section 31. Methods of empirical research: new solutions to eternal problems Section 32. Religious factor in modern Russia: traditions and innovations Section 33. Transformation of the social structure of Russian society and social inequality Round table 1. In search of trust and solidarity in universities in Russian regions Round table 2. Well-being in the subject field of scientific research Round table 3. Volunteering in emergency situations as a response to social and environmental challenges in Russia Round table 4. Innovations in the regions: human capital, comfortable living environment, economic growth Round table 5. Digitalization of higher education in Russia and abroad and the Russian labor market: digital gaps and competencies Round table 6. Russian infocommunication space in the light of digitalization: new research approaches, security and ethics issues Round table 7. Professional standard of a sociologist and higher sociological education Round table 8. Higher education in the countries of the Eurasian Union: strategies for achieving educational success and competitiveness Round table 9. XXII readings in memory of A. Kharchev «Sociology and social sciences: new contexts of interaction» Round table 10. Sustainable development of rural areas Round table 11. Social problems of the Arctic Round table 12. The history of Russian sociology as a methodology and heuristic resource of cognition of Russian society Round table 13. The community of professional sociologists: diagnostics and cartography of modern Russian sociology Round table 14. Relevance of the problem of social group formation in the regions of the Russian Federation with different levels of socio-cultural modernization in the context of solving strategic problems of the country's development Round table 15. Social justice in interethnic relations |
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